Why Me? |
James 1:1-5 |
1/25/2025 |
Ready Get Set, Go,,, Introduction to James |
James 1:1 |
1/18/2025 |
But What About Him? |
John 21:18-25 |
1/11/2025 |
Do You Love Me? |
John 21:15-19 |
1/4/2025 |
The Risen Lord in Galilee: Ever the Same |
John 21:1-14 |
12/28/2024 |
Blessed Are Those Who Have Not Seen and Yet… |
John 20:24-31 |
12/21/2024 |
The Risen Lord: Peace and Empowerment |
John 20:19-25 |
12/14/2024 |
He Is Risen |
John 20:1-18 |
12/07/2024 |
He Died for Our Sins According to the Scriptures |
John 19:28-42 |
11/30/2024 |
The Curtain Closes |
John 19:23-37 |
11/23/2024 |
The King upon the Cross |
John 19:14-30 |
11/16/2024 |
The Judge of All Is Judged |
John 18:28 - 19:16 |
11/9/2024 |
Denial |
John 18:12-27 |
11/2/2024 |
The Son of God Goes Forth to War |
John 18:1-11 |
10/26/2024 |
What Makes Heaven to Be Heaven? |
John 17:24 |
10/19/2024 |
Christ's Heart for Us |
John 17:20-26 |
10/12/2024 |
Laser Focus: Keep Them and Sanctify Them |
John 17:6-9 |
10/5/2024 |
Listening In |
John 17:1-5 |
09/28/2024 |
More than Conquerors through Him Who Loved Us |
John 16:28-33 |
09/21/2024 |
A Night of Weeping and a Morning of Joy |
John 16:16-28 |
09/14/2024 |
The Holy Spirit: The Advocate |
John 15:15 - 16:15 |
09/07/2024 |
Love and Hate |
John 15:12-25 |
08/31/2024 |
Abide in Me |
John 15:1-11 |
08/24/2024 |
Slow Learners |
John 14:7-11 |
08/17/2024 |
Grounded in Christ |
John 14:1-6 |
08/10/2024 |
Trust You? In the Midst of Betrayal, Departure, and Denial? |
John 13:18-4:1 |
08/03/2024 |
Stooping Down |
John 13:1-17 |
07/27/2024 |
God’s Testimony through His Law |
Psalm 130; Romans 3:9-28 |
07/20/2024 |
The 10th Commandment: How Can I Be Content? |
Philippians 4:10-13 |
07/13/2024 |
The 10th Commandment—The Snare of Our Times |
1 Timothy 6:6-12; Exodus 20:1-17 |
07/06/2024 |
The 9th Commandment: You Shall not Bear False Witness |
Proverbs 12:17-22, Ephesians 4:17-25 |
06/29/2024 |
The 8th Commandment: Work Is Good |
Genesis 1:26—2:3, 15, I Corinthians 15:53-58 |
06/22/2024 |
The 8th Commandment: Ownership and Stewardship |
Malachi 3:8-18, Ephesians 4:17-28 |
06/15/2024 |
The 7th Commandment: Male and Female Part 2 |
Genesis 1:26-28; Acts 8:26-35 |
06/08/2024 |
The 7th Commandment: Male and Female Part 1 |
Genesis 1:26-28; Acts 8:26-35 |
06/01/2024 |
The 7th Commandment: What God Has Joined Together Part 2 |
Genesis 2:18-25; Matthew 5:27-32; 19:1-10 |
05/25/2024 |
The 7th Commandment: What God Has Joined Together Part 1 |
Genesis 2:18-25; Matthew 5:27-32; 19:1-10 |
05/18/2024 |
The 7th Commandment: The Lure and the Trap |
Ephesians 5:1-7 |
05/11/2024 |
The 7th Commandment: The Lord Ties Together Pleasure with Responsibility |
Colossians 3:12-21; Genesis 1:26-31 |
05/04/2024 |
The 7th Commandment: What about Singleness? |
1 Corinthians 7:1-9, 25-40 |
04/27/2024 |
The 7th Commandment: The Godly Exercise of Your Sexuality |
1 Corinthians 7:1-9; Proverbs 5:1-23 |
04/20/2024 |
The 6th Commandment: God’s Word and the Killing of the Unborn Part 2 |
Psalm 139:13-16; Luke 1:39-45 |
04/13/2024 |
The 6th Commandment: God’s Word and the Killing of the Unborn Part 1 |
Psalm 139:13-16; Luke 1:39-45 |
04/06/2024 |
The 6th Commandment: Killing and Its Roots |
Matthew 5:17-26 |
03/30/2024 |
The 5th Commandment: Caring for Parents in Old Age |
1 Timothy 5:1-8 |
03/23/2024 |
The 5th Commandment: For Bigger Children Too |
Colossians 3:12-21 |
03/16/2024 |
The 5th Commandment: Honor Your Father and Mother |
Ephesians 6:1-4 |
03/09/2024 |
The 4th Commandment: The Market Day of the Soul Part 2 |
Revalation 1:9-17 |
03/01/2024 |
The 4th Commandment: The Market Day of the Soul Part 1 |
Isaiah 58:13-14 |
02-23-2024 |
The 4th Commandment: An Enduring Moral Command for Us |
Mark 2:23-28; |
02-16-2024 |
The 3rd Commandment: (Dis)Honoring God’s Name |
Leviticus 24:10-23 |
02-09-2024 |
The 2nd Commandment: Drawing Near in God’s Appointed Way |
Deut. 12:1-4,29-32 |
02-02-2024 |
The 1st Commandment: Who's Number One? |
Exodus 20:1-3,18-21 |
01-26-2024 |
God's Grace and God's Law? |
Titus 2:11-14 |
01-19-2024 |
Love and Law? |
Romans 13:8-10 |
01-12-2024 |
Do I Love God’s Law? |
Romans 7:12 |
01-05-2024 |
Left with His Cry Ringing in Our Ears |
John 12:44-50 |
12-30-2023 |
Sufficient Signs & Weighty Words |
John 12:37-50 |
12-23-2023 |
Opportunity Squandered, or Taken Advantage of? |
John 12:34-36 |
12-16-2023 |
His Victorious Campaign |
John 12:31-33 |
12-09-2023 |
The Hour Has Come |
John 12:9-33 |
12-02-2023 |
Marching Towards… |
John 11:55-12:11 |
11-25-2023 |
An Unwitting Prophecy |
John 11:14-53 |
11-18-2023 |
Outrage, Sympathy, Power |
John 11:28-46 |
11-11-2023 |
Do You Believe This? |
John 11:17-27 |
11-04.2023 |
He Whom You Love Is Sick |
John 10:4-11:16 |
10-28-2023 |
I've Already Told You, I've Already Shown You |
John 10:14-39 |
10-21-2023 |
Who Cares? |
John 10:7-21 |
10-14-2023 |
The Connection between the Eyes, the Ears, and the Feet |
John 9:39-10:21 |
10-07-2023 |
I Once Was Blind, but Now I See |
Jonh 9:24-41 |
09-30-2023 |
Two Interconnected Questions: Who Is Your Father? Who Is Jesus? |
John 8:37-59 |
09-23-2023 |
True Freedom |
John 8:31-36 |
09-16-2023 |
The Light - Shining with Intensity |
John 8:12-30 |
09-09-2023 |
The Light Exposes the Darkness |
John 8:2-12 |
09-02-2023 |
The Promise of the Fulness of the Spirit in Christ |
John 7:37-43 |
08-26-2023 |
Judge Not vs. Righteous Judgment |
John 7:1-52 |
08-19-2023 |
Your Loyalty Put to the Test |
John 6:67-71 |
08-12-2023 |
The Sign, the Substance, the Skeptics, and Sovereign Grace |
John 6:37-55 |
08-05-2023 |
By the Mouth of Two or Three Witnesses |
John 5:31-47 |
07-29-2023 |
Supreme Honor to the Son |
John 5:16-31 |
07-22-2023 |
An Unexpected Kindness, An Unclear Outcome |
John 5:1-16 |
07-15-2023 |
Believing that You Might See |
John 4:43-54 |
07-08-2023 |
Entering into His Labor |
John 4:31-42 |
07-01-2023 |
The Quenching of Your Thirst |
John 3:35-4:30 |
06-24-2023 |
The Old Giving Way to the New |
John 3:22-36 |
06-17-2023 |
Love and Hate (and the Only Hope) |
John 3:17-21 |
06-10.2023 |
What Wondrous Love Is This? |
John 3:16 |
06-03-2023 |
Responding to Earthly and Heavenly Things |
John 3:11-16 |
05-27-2023 |
The Necessity of a New Birth |
John 2:23-3:12 |
05-20-2023 |
Zeal For My Father's House |
John:2:11-25 |
05-13-2023 |
And the Lord Gives a Sign |
John 2:1-12 |
05-06-2023 |
Come and See |
John 1:35-51 |
04-29-2023 |
A Faithful Witness: The Truth, The Whole Truth, and Nothing but the Truth |
John 1:19-32 |
04-22-2023 |
May I Introduce You to......... |
John 1:1-18 |
04-15-2023 |
Home |
Psalm 23:6b |
04-08-2023 |
A Relentless Pursuit |
Psalm 23:6a |
04-01-2023 |
The Lord, the Host |
Psalm 23:5 |
03-25-2023 |
The Lord Is My Shepherd…Even Here |
Psalm 23:4 |
03-18-2023 |
Restoration—His Work, Your Need |
Psalm 23:3a |
03-11-2023 |
Follow the Leader |
Psalm 232b,3 |
03-04-2023 |
The Shepherd's Care |
Psalm 23:2 |
02-25-2023 |
Boldness and Confidence |
Psalm 23:1 |
02-18-2023 |
God's Word to God's People |
Hebrews 13:22-25 |
02-11-2023 |
Pray for Me as I Pray for You |
Hebrews 13:17 |
02-04-2023 |
Christ's Provision for You in Your Leaders |
Hebrews 13:17 |
01-28-2023 |
An Ongoing Daily Sacrifice |
Hebrews 13:15-16 |
01-21-2023 |
An Altar, A Sin Offering, A Priest, An Ongoing Sacrifice |
Hebrews 13:10-16 |
01-14-2023 |
Walking in the Old Paths |
Hebrews 13:7-9 |
01-07-2023 |
Brotherly Love - Covetousness vs. Contentment - Part 4 |
Hebrews 13:5-6 |
12-31-2022 |
Holy Sexuality: Brotherly Love Fleshed Out - Part 3 |
Henrews 13:4 |
12-24-2022 |
Brotherly Love Fleshed Out - Part 2 |
Hebrews 13:3 |
12-17-2022 |
Brotherly Love Fleshed Out |
Hebrews 13:2-4 |
12-10-2022 |
Serving God Acceptably with One Another |
Hebrews 13:1 |
12-03-2022 |
Responding to God’s Grace, Requires God’s Grace |
Hebrews 12:28-29 |
11-26-2022 |
A Day of Shaking Like No Other Is Coming |
Hebrews 12:26-27 |
11-19-2022 |
Where Do We Now Stand? |
Hebrews 12:18-25 |
11-12-2022 |
Our Brother's Keeper—Our Mutual Responsibil |
Hebrews 12:15-17 |
11-05-2022 |
An Emphatic Call to All Who Are in Christ |
Hebrews 12:14b |
10-29-2022 |
A Whole-Hearted Pursuit – A Family Attribute |
Hebrews 12:1-17 |
10-22-2022 |
Running the Race: Back on Your Feet Again |
Hebrews 12:1-13 |
10-15-2022 |
Running the Race: A Critical Reminder - Part 2 |
Henrews 12:7-8 |
10-08-2022 |
Running the Race: A Critical Reminder |
Hebrews 12:5-6 |
10-01-2022 |
Running the Race—Fightings Without and Fears Within |
Hebrews 12:3-4 |
09-24-2022 |
Running the Race and the Removal of Every Hindrance |
Hebrews 12:1-2 |
09-17-2022 |
Running the Race with Clear Focus |
Hebrews 11:30-12:2 |
09-10-2022 |
Running the Race with Needed Encouragement |
Hebrews 11:30-12:2 |
09-03-2022 |
Running the Race with Patient Endurance |
Hebrews 11:30-12:2 |
08-27-2022 |
The Epistle to the Romans – The Christian’s ‘Magna Carta’ |
Romans, Var. |
08-20-2022 |
The Reign of Grace |
Romans 5:17-21 |
08-13-2022 |
How Much More |
Romans 5:15-17 |
08-06-2022 |
Our Representative |
Romasn 5:12-21 |
07-23-2022 |
Boasting in God |
Romasn 5:11 |
07-16-2022 |
How Much More! (continued) |
Romans 5:6-10 |
07-09-2022 |
How Much More! (Part 1) |
Romans 5:6-10 |
07-02-2022 |
An Interview with Pastor Matthew Judd |
06-25-2022 |
We Will Not Be Disappointed! |
Romans 5:5 |
06-18-2022 |
Boasting About Our Sufferings? |
Romans 5:3-4 |
06-11-2022 |
Our Confident Assurance! |
Romans 5:1-5 |
06-04-2022 |
Assurance: Our Confidence in Christ |
Romans 5:1-5 |
05-28-2022 |
Our Confident Assurance |
Romans 5:1-5 |
05-21-2022 |
The Proof and the Power! |
Romasn 4:18-25 |
05-14-2022 |
The Nature of Faith: Trusting God for the Impossible |
Romans 4:13-25 |
05-07-2022 |
Faith and the Sacraments |
Romans 4:9-12 |
04-30-2022 |
Justification by Faith Alone: God’s Exclusive Salvation for All Times! |
Romans 4:1-8 |
04-23-22 |
An Interview with Pastor Matthew Judd |
04-16-22 |
The Genuine Article |
Romans 3:27-31 |
04-09-22 |
Forgiveness of Sins and the Justice of God |
Romans 3:25-26,31 |
04-02-22 |
No Distiction |
Romans 3:21-26 |
03-26-22 |
A Righteousness from God |
Romans 3:21-26 |
03-19-22 |
An Interview with Pastor Matthew Judd |
03-12-22 |
All Have Sinned |
Romans 3:9-20 |
03-05-22 |
The Faithfulness of God and the Condemnation of the Religious Man |
Romans 3:1-8 |
02-26-22 |
True Religion Versus Outward Religiosity |
Romans 2:17-29 |
02-19-22 |
Principles For the Last Judgment |
Romans 2:1-16 |
02-12-22 |
Our Sin—Our Enemy! |
Romans 1:18-32 |
02-05-22 |
The Godlessness of Man |
Romans 1:21-23 |
01-29-22 |
God’s Self-revelation and Man’s Inexcusability |
Romans 1:18-23 |
01-22-22 |
God’s Wrath and Man’s Sin: Two Realities That Cannot Be Ignored |
Romans 1:16-21 |
01-15-22 |
Back to the Beginning! (Part 2) |
Romans 1:1-16 |
01-08-22 |
Back to the Beginning! (Part 1) |
Romans 1:1-16 |
01-01-22 |
Christmas and Obedience |
Luke 1:57-80 |
12-25-21 |
Christmas and Humility |
Luke 1:39-56 |
12-18-21 |
The Point and Purpose of Christmas Is the Point and Purpose of the Universe! |
Matthew 2:1-12 |
12-11-21 |
God's Only Son?! |
John 17:1-5; Galatians 4:4-7 |
12-04-21 |
Son of God! |
Luke 1:26-38,3:21-38 |
11-27-21 |
Things to Avoid and Things To Do |
Titus 3:9-15 |
11-20-21 |
Salvation By Sovereign Grace and Its Consequence! |
Titus 3:4-8 |
11-13-21 |
Salvation By Sovereign Grace and Its Consequence! |
Titus 3:4-8 |
11-06-21 |
Salvation By Sovereign Grace and Its Consequence! |
Titus 3:4-8 |
10-30-2021 |
The Christian’s Relationship to Earthly Authorities and to Others |
Titus 3:1-9 |
10-23-2021 |
God’s Purpose for Those Saved By Grace |
Titus 2:11-15 |
10-16-2021 |
How the Gospel Trains Us |
Titus 2:11-15 |
10-09-2021 |
Psalm 119:9-16 – How Can A Young Man Cleanse His Way? |
Titus 2:7-10 |
10-02-2021 |
Christ Centered Thinking, Christ Centered Living! Part 2 |
Titus 2:1-10 |
09-25-2021 |
Christ Centered Thinking, Christ Centered Living! |
Titus 2:1-10 |
09-18-2021 |
Problems at Crete (Which Sound Awfully Familiar! ) Part 2 |
Titus 1:10-16 |
09-11-2021 |
Problems at Crete (Which Sound Awfully Familiar!) |
Titus 1:10-16 |
09-04-2021 |
Elders in Every Church - Part 2 |
Titus 1:5-9 |
08-28-2021 |
Elders in Every Church - Part 1 |
Titus 1:5-9 |
08-21-2021 |
Titus: God’s Letter to Us! Part 2 |
Titus:1-1-4 |
08-14-2021 |
Titus: God’s Letter to Us! Part 1 |
Titus 1:1-4 |
08-07-2021 |
Christ’s Appointment of Preachers for His Church |
Titus 1:1-4 |
07-31-2021 |
The Successful Savior Sends Forth His Successful Gospel! |
Mark 16 |
07-24-2021 |
So What? |
Mark 16 |
07-17-2021 |
Eye-Witnesses and Evidential Signs Part 2 |
Mark 15:33-46 |
07-10-2021 |
Eye-Witnesses and Evidential Signs Part 1 |
Mark 15:16-47 |
07-03--2021 |
The Innocence of the Lord Jesus |
Mark 14:53-75 |
06-26-2021 |
Vital Connection: His Cross and Our Sin |
Mark 14:27-50 |
06-19-2021 |
The Dreadful Anticipation of the Cross |
Mark 14:1-26 |
06-12-2021 |
The Olivet Discourse: Conclusion |
Mark 13:14-37 |
06-05-2021 |
The Olivet Discourse: Part three |
Mark 13:14-37 |
05-29-2021 |
The Olivet Discourse: Part two |
Mark 13:1-37 |
05-22-2021 |
The Olivet Discourse: Part one |
Mark 13:1-37 |
05-15-2021 |
The Lord of the Temple Rejects Surface Religion |
Mark 12:18-44 |
05-08-2021 |
King Jesus: Lord of the Debate |
Mark 12:13-37 |
05-01-2021 |
The Parable of the Vineyard |
Mark 12:1-12 |
04-24-2021 |
Who Is Lord of the Temple?! |
Mark 11:15-19 |
04-17-2021 |
The Relationship Between Jesus Christ and the Earthly Nation of Israel” |
Mark 11:1-14 |
04-10-2021 |
The Plan (A Palm Sunday Message) |
Mark 11:1-10 |
04-03-2021 |
The Divine Shepherd Comes to Seek and to Save Sinners! Or, “Divine Appointment” |
Mark 10:45-52 |
03-27-2021 |
Those Trusting in Christ’s Cross Living in Light of that Cross |
Mark 10:32-45 |
03-20-2021 |
The Power of God Unto Salvation |
Mark 10:17-31 |
03-13-2021 |
The Lord’s Emphasis on the Covenant Home |
Mark 10:1-16 |
03-06-2021 |
Salvation By the Cross of Jesus, and Practical Ramifications for Our Daily Lives and Relationships |
Mark 9:30-50 |
02-27-2021 |
The ‘Stubborn’ Demon Cast Out! |
Mark 9:14-29 |
02-20-2021 |
The Kingdom of God with Power! |
Mark 9:1-13 |
02-13-2021 |
Following Chrst |
Mark 8:34-38 |
02-06-2021 |
The Progressive Nature of Our Growth in Gospel Faith |
Mark 8:22-38 |
01-30-2021 |
Due Reflection on God’s Works The Foundation for the Application of Faith |
Mark 8:1-21 |
01-23-2021 |
The Coss In Our Lives |
Mark 8,9,10 |
01-16-2021 |
Are You Amazed? |
Mark 7:31-37 |
01-09-2021 |
The Humiliation of ‘Saving’ Faith |
Mark 7:24-30 |
01-02-2021 |
The Heart Of True Religion Demands The Heart |
Mark 7:1-23 |
12-26-2020 |
Who Is This Bethlehem Baby? |
Mark 3:7-12 |
12-19-2020 |
Christmas: A Reminder of Our Mission! |
Mark 7:24-30 |
12-12-2020 |
The Bible: Our Only Infallible Rule of Faith and Practice |
Mark 7:1-23 |
12-05-2020 |
Trusting the God of Yesterday—Today |
Mark 6:45-66 |
11-28-2020 |
Our All-Sufficient Saviour |
Mark 6:29-44 |
11-21-2020 |
Kingdom Service: The Other Side of the Coin! |
Mark 6:14-29 |
11-14-2020 |
The Service of Christ |
Mark 6:7-13 |
11-07-2020 |
The Prophet Without Honor! |
Mark 6:1-6 |
10-31-2020 |
The Power of the Lord Jesus Christ over Delay! |
Mark 5:21-43 |
10-24-2020 |
Jesus: Conqueror of Death! |
Mark 5:21-24 |
10-17-2020 |
He Heals All Our Diseases! |
Mark 5:25-34 |
10-10-2020 |
Even the Demons Bow Down! |
Mark 5:1-20 |
10-03-2020 |
Who Then Is This? |
Mark 4:35-41 |
09-26-2020 |
Big Results, Small Beginnings! |
Mark 4:26-32 |
09-19-2020 |
Take Heed to Hear, and to How You Hear |
Mark 4:21-25 |
09-12-2020 |
The Saved: Faithful Stewards of God’s Word |
Mark 4:3-9 |
09-05-2020 |
Revealed or Concealed? |
Mark 4:1-2 |
08-29-2020 |
The Sabbath Was Made For Man (con't) |
Mark 2:27-28 |
08-22-2020 |
The Sabbath Was Made For Man |
Mark 2:23-3:6 |
08-15-2020 |
Man-Made Religious Rules: How is the Christian to Respond? |
Mark 2:23-3:6 |
08-08-2020 |
A Religion of Sadness or a Relationship of Gladness? |
Mark 2:18-22 |
08-01-2020 |
Jesus: The Practitioner of True Tolerance As the Only Savior for Sinners! |
Mark:2:13-17 |
07-25-2020 |
The Greatest Need |
Mark 2:1-12 |
07-18-2020 |
Teacher, Example, and Savior! |
Mark 1:21-45 |
07-11-2020 |
Prepare the Way of the Lord! |
Mark 1:1-13 |
07-04-2020 |
The Gospel According to Mark |
Mark 1:1-13 |
06-27-2020 |
And God’s People All Lived Happily Ever After! |
Isaiah 66:22-42 |
06-20-2020 |
A Spiritual Israel, A Spiritual Jerusalem! |
Isaiah 66:7-21 |
06-13-2020 |
The Spiritual Temple of the Lord |
Isaiah 66:1-6 |
06-06-2020 |
New Heavens and a New Earth! |
Isaiah 65:17-25 |
05-30-2020 |
The Gospel of God: All or Nothing! |
Isaiah 65:1-16 |
05-23-2020 |
Oh, Lord, Please Turn Our Hearts back to You! |
Isaiah 64 |
05-16-2020 |
Oh, Save Us! |
Isaiah 63:7-19 |
05-09-20 |
Almighty Salvation, Almighty Judgment! |
Isaiah 63:1-6 |
05-02-2020 |
Messiah’s Glorious Gifts to His Redeemed Church! (Conc.) |
Isaiah 62:6-12 |
04-25-2020 |
Messiah’s Glorious Gifts to His Redeemed Church! (Part One) |
Isaiah 62:6-12 |
04-18-2020 |
Messiah’s Zeal for His Church |
Isaiah 62:1-7 |
04-11-2020 |
Everlasting Savior—Everlasting Clothing! |
Isaiah 61:10-11 |
04-04-2020 |
Everlasting Savior: Everlasting Covenant! (Continued) |
Isaiah 61:4-9 |
03-28-2020 |
Everlasting Savior—Everlasting Covenant! |
Isaiah 61:1-9 |
03-21-2020 |
Everlasting Comfort |
Isaiah 61:1-7 |
03-14-2020 |
What an Improvement! |
Isaiah 60:17-22 |
03-07-2020 |
Much More Than Twice As Good |
Isaiah 60:1-16 |
02-29-2020 |
The Invincible Savior God! |
Isaiah 59-15b-21 |
02-22-2020 |
Why Doesn’t God Answer Some of Our Prayers? |
Isaiah 59:1-15a |
02-15-2020 |
Double Blessings in the Messiah |
Isaiah 58:8-9a, 10b-12, 14 |
02-08-2020 |
True Worship, True Devotion |
Isaiah 58 |
02-01-2020 |
Worship that Pleases God |
Isaiah 58 |
01-25-2020 |
Grace Abounds Much More |
Isaiah 54:14-21 |
01-18-2020 |
In Whom Do You Trust? Whom Do You Fear? |
Isaiah 57:11-13 |
01-11-2020 |
Where Sin Abounded (Part Two) |
Isaiah 57:3-10 |
01-04-2020 |
Where Sin Abounded… |
Isaiah 56:-57:21 |
12-28-2019 |
The Past Does Not Matter: All Who Repent Can Claim the Covenant Promises! |
Isaiah 56:1-8 |
12-21-2019 |
The Church that is 100% Successful! |
Isaiah 55:10-13 |
12-14-2019 |
Why Repentance is Necessary |
Isaiah 55:1-9 |
12-07-2019 |
The Everlasting Covenant Between the Father and the Son |
Isaiah 55:3-7 |
11-30-2109 |
Come to Me! Seek Me! Find Me! God’s Promise to the Nations! |
Isaiah 55:1-9 |
11-23-2019 |
Protected by the Righteousness of Jesus Christ! |
Isaiah 54:11-15 |
11-16-2019 |
An Everlasting Covenant of Peace! |
Isaiah 54:9-17 |
11-09-2019 |
The Childless Widow Made the Mother of a Vast Multitude |
Isaiah 54:1-8 |
11-02-2019 |
Shocking Mistreatment! Shocking Results! |
Isaiah 53:1-12 |
10-26-2019 |
The Shocking Substitution! |
Isaiah 53:4-6 |
10-19-2019 |
A Scandalous Reception! |
Isaiah 53:1-3 |
10-12-2019 |
God’s Shocking News! |
Isaiah 52:13-15 |
10-05-2019 |
How Does the Lord Want Us to Respond to His Redeeming Grace? (Part 2) |
Isaiah 52:7-12 |
09-28-2019 |
How Does the Lord Want Us to Respond to His Redeeming Grace? (Part 1) |
Isaiah 52:7-12 |
09-21-2019 |
Wake Up to Eternal Redemption |
Isaiah 51-17-52:12 |
09-14-2019 |
Wake Up |
Isaiah 51:9-16 |
09-07-2019 |
What You See Is Not What You Get |
Isaiah 51:1-8 |
08-31-2019 |
When Less Is More |
Isaiah 51:1-8 |
08-24-2019 |
What Light Will You Walk By? |
Isaiah 50:10-11 |
08-17-2019 |
Man with a Mission |
Isaiah 50:1-9 |
08-10-2019 |
The Man of God’s Own Choosing |
Isaiah 50:1-9 |
08-03-2019 |
A Great Multitude Which No One Could Number |
Isaiah 49:19-26 |
07-27-2019 |
Oh Love That Will Not Let Me Go |
Isaiah 49:14-26 |
07-20-2019 |
The Man Who Embodies the Covenant of Grace, and His Incredible Work of Grace |
Isaiah 49:8-13 |
07-13-2019 |
A Mighty Savior for All the World! |
Isaiah 49:8-13 |
07-06-2019 |
The Peace of Pardon |
Isxaiah 40:1-2, 49:1-6 |
06-29-2019 |
Water in the Desert |
Isaiah 48:17-22 |
06-22-2019 |
What is God? |
Isaiah 48:12-16 |
06-15-2019 |
The Real God Saves Only Real Worshippers |
Isaiah 48:1-11 |
06-08-2019 |
Presumption and Pride Judged |
Isaiah 47 |
06-01-2019 |
Carried in the Divine Arms from the Womb to the Tomb! |
Isaiah 46:3-4 |
05-25-2019 |
Bel Bows Down! |
Isaiah 46 |
05-18-2019 |
Look to the True God, and Be Saved! |
Isaiah 45:18-25 |
05-11-2019 |
Jehovah’s Predestined and Prophesied Salvation Part 2 |
Isaiah 45:8-25 |
05-04-2019 |
Jehovah’s Predestined and Prophesied Salvation |
Isaiah 45:8-17 |
04-27-2019 |
The Heart of the King is in the Hand of the Lord |
Isaiah 45:1-7 |
04-20-2019 |
Praise Our Almighty Redeemer! |
Isaiah 44:21-28 |
04-13-2019 |
Spiritual Cataracts and Spiritual Cardiomyopathy |
Isaiah 44:9-28 |
04-06-2019 |
Neither Flood nor Fire |
Isaiah 43:2 |
03-30-2019 |
You Are My Witness! (Part II) |
Isaiah 43:8-44:8 |
03-23-2019 |
You Are My Witness! |
Isaiah 43:8-44:8 |
03-16-2019 |
God’s Presence And Deliverence As We Pass Through The Flood And The Fire |
Isaiah 42:21-43:7 |
03-09-2019 |
Saved by Grace to Sing Praises to the God of Grace! |
Isaiah 42:10-17 |
03-02-2019 |
The Servant Saviour |
Isaiah 42:1-9 |
02/23/2019 |
Our Divine King, Our Savior Part II |
Isaiah 41:21-29 |
02/16/2019 |
Our Divine King, Our Savior |
Isaiah 41:21-29 |
02/09/2019 |
The Salvation of Our Covenant God: The Desert Turned Into Paradise! |
Isaiah 41:17-20 |
02/02/2019 |
Let the Worms Fear Not! |
Isaiah 41:11-20 |
01/26/2019 |
Upheld By His Righteous Right Hand! |
Isaiah 41:1-20 |
01/19/2019 |
Does the Lord Care Enough and Is He Strong Enough to Help Us? |
Isaiah 40:27-31 |
01/12/2019 |
Do You Not Know? Have You Not Heard? |
Isaiah 40:18-26 |
01/05/2019 |
To Whom Will You Compare Me? |
Isaiah 40:12-18 |
12/29/2018 |
The Comfort of Christmas: God in Person and Close Up! |
Isaiah 40:1-2, 9-11 |
12/22/2018 |
Comfort for God’s People Because God’s Glory is Revealed! |
Isaiah 40:6-8 |
12/15/2018 |
Comfort for God’s People Because God’s Glory is Revealed! |
Isaiah 40:1-5 |
12/08/2018 |
Christmas Comfort |
Isaiah 40:1-5 |
12/01/2018 |
The Desert Turned into Paradise |
Isaiah 35 |
11/24/2018 |
Paradise Turned Into Hell |
Isaiah 34 |
11/17/2018 |
Marvelous Grace of Our Covenant Lord |
Isaiah 33 |
11/10/2018 |
A Righteous King to Set Things Right! |
Isaiah 32 |
11/03/2018 |
Who Can 'Save the Day?! |
Isaiah 31 |
10/27/2018 |
The Incredible Blessings for Those Trusting in the Lord! |
Isaiah 30:18-33 |
10/20/2018 |
In Whom Do We Really Trust? |
Isaiah 30:1-18 |
10/13/2018 |
Short Term Woes-Long Term Fix (Conc) |
Isaiah 29:15-24 |
10/06/2018 |
Short Term Woes-Long Term Fix |
Isaiah 29:1-14 |
09/29/2018 |
Woe to Corrupt Leaders, and to Those Who Follow Them! |
Isaiah 28 |
09/22/2019 |
Song of the Beloved and Protected Vineyard (Conclusion) |
Isaiah 27:2-13 |
09/15/2018 |
Song of the Beloved and Protected Vineyard |
Isaiah 27:2-13 |
09/08/2018 |
This Mountain of the Lord We Are Saved Forever! |
Isaiah 25 |
09/01/2018 |
A Thorough Judgment and Glorious Salvation (Conclusion) |
Isaiah 24 |
08/25/2018 |
Jehovah's Thorough Judgment and Glorious Salvation |
Isaiah 24 |
08/18/2018 |
God’s Judgment and Salvation of a Rich Nation |
Isaiah 23 |
08/11/2018 |
No Other Savior Will Do! |
Isaiah 22:15-25 |
08/04/2018 |
The Worldly Church Judged with the Lost World! |
Isaiah 22:1-14 |
07/28/2018 |
His Power, Our Purpose, and His Presence |
Matthew 28:16-20 |
07/21/2018 |
You Can't Keep The Good Man Down! |
Matthew 27:55-28:20 |
07/14/2018 |
Mockery, Mortality and Miracles at the Cross |
Matthew 27:27-54 |
07/07/2018 |
Sinners on Trial |
Matt 26:57-69; 27:1-2, 11-26 |
06/30/2018 |
Betrayal and Denial |
Matt 26:47-58, 69-75; 27:3-10 |
06/23/2018 |
Prayer vs. Presumption |
Mtthew 26:31-46 |
06/16/2018 |
The End Draws Near |
Matthew 26:1-30 |
06/09/2018 |
The Last Judgement |
Matthew 25:31-46 |
06/02/2018 |
The Parable of the Talents |
Matthew 25:14-30 |
05/26/2018 |
The Ten Virgins: Rady or Not Here He Comes |
Matthew 25:1-13 |
05/19/2018 |
The Olivet Discourse: Final Sermon |
Matthew 24 |
05/12/2018 |
The End! |
Matthew 24 |
05/05/2018 |
The Great Tribulation and the End |
Matthew 24 |
04/28/2018 |
The Olivet Discourse |
Matthew 24 |
04/21/2018 |
Woe and Desolation |
Matthew 23:27-39 |
04/14/2018 |
Divine Woes Against Hypocrites |
Matthew 23:13-33 |
04/07/2018 |
Jesus's Discourse on the Sin of Hypocrisy |
Matthew 23:1-12 |
03/31/2018 |
Knockout in the Fourth Round! |
Matthew 22:15-46 |
03/24/2018 |
A Personal Invitation to the Wedding. |
Matthew 22:1-14 |
03/17/2018 |
Changing of the Guard, conc. |
Matthew 21:33-46 |
03/10/2018 |
Changing of the Guard |
Matthew 21:18-46 |
03/03/2018 |
Our Divine King, Our Savior! |
Matthew 21:1-17 |
02/24/2018 |
The Holy Determination of Saving Faith |
Matthew 20:29-34 |
02/17/2018 |
The Stone That Slays Giant "Pride" |
Matthew 20:17-28 |
02/10/2018 |
The First Last and the Last First |
Matthew 20:1-16 |
02/03/2018 |
What Will We Have? |
Matthew 19:27-30 |
01/27/2018 |
What Good Deed Will Give Us Heaven? |
Matthew 19:16-26 |
01/20/2018 |
Divorce and Remarriage in the Old Testament Theocracy |
Matthew 19:3-9 |
01/13/2018 |
King Jesus, Marriage, and Children |
Matthew 19:1-15 |
01/06/2018 |
Forgiveness: The Highest Priced Commodity on the Market! |
Matthew 18:21-25 |
12/30/2017 |
When You Are Wronged |
Matthew 18:15-20 |
12/23/2017 |
Do You Have a Guardian Angel? |
Matthew 18:1-14 |
12/16/2017 |
17Does A King Pay Taxes? |
Matthew 17:24-27 |
12/09/2017 |
The Kingdom Come in Great Power and Glory! |
Matthew 17:1-23 |
12/02/2017 |
To God Alone Be the Glory! |
Ephesians 1:3-14 |
11/25/2017 |
Christ Alone |
I Timothy 2:1-7 |
11/18/2017 |
Faith Alone |
Galatians 2:14-21 |
11/11/2017 |
Grace Alone |
Ephesians 2:1-10 |
11/04/2017 |
Scripture Alone |
II Timothy 3:14-17 |
10/28/2017 |
Gaining or Losing Your Soul |
Matthew 16:21-28 |
10/21/2017 |
The Foundation and the Keys of the Church |
Matthew 16:13-20 |
10/14/2017 |
Jesus Christ: The Theme of the Bible and the Foundation of the Church |
Matthew 16:1-20 |
10/07/2017 |
The Compassionate King |
Matthew 15:21-39 |
09/30/2017 |
Scriptural Spirituality versus Superficial Spirituality |
Matthew 15:1-20 |
09/23/2017 |
God's Word or Human Tradition |
Matthew 15:1-20 |
09/16/2017 |
A Fight to the Death! |
Matthew 14 |
09/09/2017 |
A Prophet Without Honor |
Matthew 13:53-58 |
09/02/2017 |
The Parable of the Sower |
Matthew 13:3-9, 18-23 |
08/26/2017 |
The Kingdom of Jesus Christ: Powerful and Precious Beyond Compare |
Matt 13:31-33, 44-46, 51-52 |
08/19/2017 |
The Wheat and the Tares |
Matt 13:24-30, 36-43, 47-50 |
08/12/2017 |
Speaking in Parables |
Matt 13:1-2, 10-17... |
08/05/2017 |
The Object of Genuine Faith, and the Danger of Falling Short |
Matthew 12:38-50 |
07/29/2017 |
Choosing Sides |
Matthew 12:22-37 |
07/22/2017 |
The Ruler of the Demons Subdued By the King of Kings |
Matthew 12:22-37 |
07/15/2017 |
Sabbatical Works of Necessity and Mercy: A Manifestation of Christ's Love for Weak and Needy Sinners! |
Matthew 12:1-21 |
07/08/2017 |
Divine Sovereignty and Human Guilt |
Matthew 11:25-29 |
07/01/2017 |
The Hiding and the Manifestation of God |
Matthew 11:25-30 |
06/24/2017 |
Neither Dancing nor Crying but Agonizing in Hell! |
Matthew 11:16-24 |
06/17/2017 |
Considering, Comprehending, Coming |
Matthew 11:1-15 |
06/10/2017 |
The Essence of Genuine Gospel Faith |
Matthew 10:32-42 |
06/03/2017 |
If We Suffer With Him, We Will Also Reign With Him! |
Matthew 10:16-31 |
05/27/2017 |
Kingdom Ambassadors Sent Forth |
Matthew 10:1-15 |
05/20/2017 |
The Compassion of Our King |
Matthew 9:18-38 |
05/13/2017 |
Correcting Common Misconceptions Regarding True Religion |
Matthew 9:9-17 |
05/06/2017 |
The Authority of the King |
Matthew 8:23—9:8 |
04/29/2017 |
The Cost of Discipleship |
Matthew 8:18-22 |
04/22/2017 |
The Willingness of King Jesus |
Matthew 8:1-17 |
04/15/2017 |
Jesus Initiates His Rule by His Public Ministry |
Matthew 4:12-25 |
04/08/2017 |
Round One Before the Final Knockout! Jesus’ Resurrection in the Light of His Victory over Temptation |
Matthew 4:1-11 |
04/01/2017 |
The King Is Anointed as Messiah |
Matthew 3 |
03/25/2017 |
Jesus as Messiah-King: Proof from Both Jew and Gentile |
Matthew 2 |
03/18/2017 |
Behold! The King Comes! |
Matthew 1 |
03/11/2017 |
Who Is This Jesus?! |
Matthew 7:28-29 |
03/04/2017 |
Our (Only) Two Possible Responses! |
Matthew 7:24-27 |
02/25/2017 |
That Day of Shocking and Sorrowful Surprises |
Matthew 7:21-23 |
02/18/2017 |
By Their Fruits |
Matthew 7:15-20 |
02/11/2017 |
Only Two! |
Matthew 7:13-14 |
02/04/2017 |
Biblical Love for Our Neighbor (The ‘Golden Rule’) |
Matthew 7:12 |
01/28/2017 |
The Basis For the Christian's Love For Others |
Matthew 7:7-12 |
01/21/2017 |
Cast Not Your Pearls! |
Matthew 7:1-6 |
01/14/2017 |
Do Not Judge! |
Matthew 7:1-6 |
01/07/2017 |
Seek First the Kingdom and Then You Don’t Need to Worry! |
Matthew 6:31-34 |
12/31/2016 |
Christmas: A Reminder of Our Mission |
Mark 3:13-19 |
12/24/2016 |
Faith Versus Worry! (Part 2) |
Matthew 6:25-34 |
12/17/2016 |
Faith Versus Worry! |
Matthew 6:25-34 |
12/10/2016 |
Putting Away for Retirement! |
Matthew 6:19-24 |
12/03/2016 |
Fasting as a Religious Exercise |
Matthew 6:16-18 |
11/26/2016 |
Conclusion to the Lord’s Prayer |
Matthew 6:9-13 |
11/19/2016 |
Petitions in the Lord’s Prayer (Part 2) |
Matthew 6:9-13 |
11/12/2016 |
Petitions in the Lord’s Prayer (Part 1) |
Matthew 6:9-13 |
11/05/2016 |
The Meaning of the Lord’s Prayer |
Matthew 6:9-15 |
10/29/2016 |
Lord, Teach Us to Pray |
Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18 |
10/22/2016 |
The Christian and Personal Piety: The Importance of 'How' and 'Why' |
Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18 |
10/15/2016 |
The Christian and Personal Piety: The Importance of 'How' and 'Why' |
Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18 |
10/08/2016 |
Sermon on the Mount: Midway Review and Preview |
Matthew 5:1-3 |
10/01/2016 |
Love Your Enemy! |
Matthew 5:43-48 |
09/24/2016 |
An Eye for an Eye' or 'Turn the Other Cheek' |
Matthew 5:38-42 |
09/17/2016 |
Oath-Taking and Truth-Telling |
Matthew 5:33-37 |
09/10/2016 |
God and Our Vows |
Matthew 5:27-32 |
09/03/2016 |
Gouge Out the Eye and Chop Off the Hand! |
Matthew 5:27-30 |
08/27/2016 |
Murder in the First Degree! |
Matthew 5:21-26 |
08/20/2016 |
From the Heart the Heart of God's Law |
Matthew 5:20-48 |
08/13/2016 |
An Exceedingly Great Righteousness: A Necessary Requirement for Citizenship in God's Kingdom |
Matthew 5:17-20 |
08/06/2016 |
The Divine Preservation of God's Holy Word |
Matthew 5:17-20 |
07/30/2016 |
The Christian and the Law of God (conc) |
Matthew 5:17-20 |
07/23/2016 |
The Christian and the Law of God |
Matthew 5:17-20 |
07/16/2016 |
Light |
Matthew 5:13-16 |
07/09/2016 |
Salt |
Matthew 5:13-16 |
07/02/2016 |
A Strange Source of Joy |
Matthew 5:1-12 |
06/25/2016 |
Peacemakers: God's Recognizable Sons |
Matthew 5:9;Phil4:2-3 |
06/18/2016 |
Purity of Heart-The 'Heart' of True Righteousness |
Matthew 5:8,Eph4:32-5:2 |
06/11/2016 |
The Price of Mercy |
Matthew 5:7; 18:21-35 |
06/04/2016 |
Satisfaction Only For Those Who Are Hungry and Thirsty |
Matthew 5:1-10 |
05/28/2016 |
Meekness and Human Authority |
Matthew 5:1-10 |
05/21/2016 |
The Meek: Heirs of the World! |
Matthew 5:1-10 |
05/14/2016 |
Happy Are the Unhappy? |
Matthew 5:1-10 |
05/07/2016 |
I Kingdom of Beggars |
Matthew 5:1-3 |
04/30/2016 |
I Need Proof! Facts That Must Be Faced |
John 20:1-21:14 |
04/23/2016 |
The Inner Character of the Citizen of God's Kingdom |
Matthew 5:1-12 |
04/16/2016 |
An Introduction to the Sermon On The Mount |
Matthew 5:1-10; 7:24-29 |
04/09/2016 |
Concluding Exhortation and Warning |
I Timothy 6:20-21 |
04/02/2016 |
Basing Our Priorities on the Reality of the True God |
I Timothy 6:11-16 |
03/26/2016 |
Chase After These Things |
I Timothy 6:11-16 |
03/19/2016 |
The Christian and Money |
I Timothy 6:6-10, 17-19 |
03/12/2016 |
Wrong Doctrine and Wrong Use of Right Doctrine |
I Timothy 6:1-5 |
03/05/2016 |
The Last Judgment |
I Timothy 5:24-25 |
02/27/2016 |
"When Ministers Sin" |
I Timothy 5:17-25 |
02/20/2016 |
"The Accountability of Gospel Ministers" |
I Timothy 5:17-25 |
02/13/2016 |
"The Pastor’s Relationships with the Members of the Congregation" |
I Timothy 5:3-16 |
02/06/2016 |
"The Church’s Duty to Those in Special Need According to Biblical Commands For Provision For “True” Widows |
I Timothy 5:3-16 |
01/30/2016 |
"The Pastor’s Relationships with the Members of the Congregation" |
1 Timothy 5:1-2 |
01/23/2016 |
"The Personal Life and Public Ministry Of the Gospel Minister" |
1 Timothy 4:12-16 |
01/16/2016 |
"Watch Out for Silly Superstitions" |
1 Timothy 4:7-11 |
01/09/2016 |
"Satanic Teachings and Superstitions" |
1 Timothy 4:1-11 |
01/02/2016 |
"The Mystery of Godliness" |
1 Timothy 3:14-16 |
12/26/2015 |
"The Mystery of Godliness Which Enables the Church to be the Church" |
1 Timothy 3:14-16 |
12/19/2015 |
"Qualifications for Deacons" |
1 Timothy 3:8-13 |
12/12/2015 |
"Qualifications for Elder" |
I Timothy 2:13-14;5:14 |
12/05/2015 |
"Male and Female as the Image of God" |
I Timothy 2:8-15 |
11/28/2015 |
"Men and Women in Worship" |
I Timothy 2:1-8 |
11/21/2015 |
"God Our Savior" |
I Timothy 2:1-8 |
11/14/2015 |
"Let Godly Men Pray!" |
I Timothy 2:1-8 |
11/07/2015 |
"Ministering God’s Word with Faith and a Good Conscience" |
1 Timothy 1:18-20 |
10/31/2015 |
"He Came to Save Even the Worst Sinners!" |
1 Timothy 1:12-17 |
10/24/2015 |
"Christ Jesus Came into the World to Save Sinners" |
1 Timothy 1:12-17 |
10/17/2013 |
"Sound Doctrine: Both Law and Gospel!" |
I Timothy 1:3-11 |
10/10/2015 |
"Sound or Healthy Doctrine" |
I Timothy 1:3-11 |
10/03/2015 |
"A Charge to Charge!" |
I Timothy 1:3-11 |
09/26/2015 |
"Are Ministers a Costly Luxury?" |
I Timothy 1:1-5 |
09/19/2015 |
"Our Complete and Eternal Salvation" |
Hebrews 13:20-21 |
09/12/2015 |
"Final Exhortations" |
Hebrews 13:15-19,22-25 |
09/05/2015 |
"Love God! Stay True To His Gospel!" |
Hebrews 13:8-17 |
08/29/2015 |
"Marriage Love, Money Love, Minister Love" |
Hebrews 13:1-8 |
08/22/2015 |
"True Love" |
Hebrews 13:1-8 |
08/15/2015 |
"Our God Is A Consuming Fire!" |
Hebrews 12:18-29 |
08/08/2015 |
"What We Have Come To In the Gospel" |
Hebrews 12:18-29 |
08/01/2015 |
"Divine Discipline of Christians: Painful, but Necessary and Edifying" (Cont) |
Hebrews 12:4-17 |
07/25/2015 |
"Divine Discipline of Christians: Painful, but Necessary and Edifying" |
Hebrews 12:4-17 |
07/18/2015 |
"Looking to Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of Faith!" |
Hebrews 12:1-3 |
07/11/2015 |
"Gospel Faith: Through Thick and Thin" |
Hebrews 11:32-40 |
07/04/2015 |
"Faith: The Great Divider" |
Hebrews 11:24-31 |
06/27/2015 |
"The Incredible Nature of Faith" |
Hebrews 11:17-23 |
06/20/2015 |
"Faith and Heaven' (cont)" |
Hebrews 11:13-16 |
06/13/2015 |
"Faith and Heaven" |
Hebrews 11:13-16 |
06/06/2015 |
"Faith: 'Seeing' The Unseen' (cont)" |
Hebrews 11:8-12 |
5/30/2015 |
"Faith: 'Seeing' The Unseen'" |
Hebrews 11:1-12 |
5/23/2015 |
"Examples from the Faith Hall of Fame" |
Hebrews 11:1-6 |
05/16/2015 |
"What Is Faith and Why Is It So Important?" |
Hebrews 11:1-3 |
05/09/2015 |
"Don't Throw Away Your Investment!" |
Hebrews 10:32-39 |
05/02/2015 |
"When the Going Gets Tough" |
Hebrews 10:26-31 |
04/25/2015 |
"Deep Trouble We All Want to Avoid!" |
Hebrews 10:26-31 |
04/18/2015 |
"Faith, Hope and Love: Our Duty as Those Saved By the Grace of Jesus Christ" |
Hebrews 10:19-25 |
04/11/2015 |
"Hope and Love" |
Hebrews 10:19-25 |
04/04/2015 |
"Our Duty to Faith, Hope and Love In Light of Christ’s Redemptive Work" |
Hebrews 10:19-25 |
03/28/2015 |
"Don't Stop and Sit Down Until the Job is Done!" |
Hebrews 10:1-18 |
03/21/2015 |
"The Final Solution" |
Hebrews 10:1-18 |
3/14/2015 |
"The Appointment You Have With God" |
Hebrews 9:23-28 |
03/07/2015 |
"Without the Shedding of Blood" |
Hebrews 9:15-22 |
02/28/2015 |
"The Real Thing Really Works!" |
Henrews 9:11-14 |
02/21/2015 |
"A Message of Incompleteness" |
Hebrews 9:1-10 |
02/14/2015 |
"All Will Know the Lord" |
Hebrews 8:7-13 |
02/07/2015 |
"The Heart-Inscribed New Covenant: Our Glorious Privilege" |
Hebrews 8:7-13 |
01/31/2015 |
"Better Service!" |
Hebrews 8:1-6 |
01/24/2015 |
"Better Becasue (Conc.)" |
Hebrews 7:11-28 |
01/17/2015 |
"Better Because" |
Hebrews 7:11-28 |
01/10/2015 |
"Better By Far (Part Two)" |
Hebrews 7:1-10 |
01/03/2015 |
"Better By Far (Part One)" |
Hebrews 7:1-10 |
12/27/2014 |
"God's Absolute Guarantee to Those Trusting Jesus Christ" |
Hebrews 6:13-20 |
12/20/2014 |
"We Hope for Better Things for You" |
Hebrews 6:9-12 |
12/13/2014 |
"Impossibility of Repentance for Those ‘Falling Away’" |
Hebrews 6:4-8 |
12/06/2014 |
"Pressing On to Perfection (Part 2 of 2)" |
Hebrews 6:1-3 |
11/29/2014 |
"Pressing On to Perfection (Part 1 of 2)" |
Hebrews 6:1-3 |
11/22/2014 |
"Not All Babies Are Cute!" |
Hebrews 5:11;14 |
11/15/2014 |
"Our Fully Qualified High Priest" |
Hebrews 5:1-10 |
11/08/2014 |
"Coming to Our Sympathetic High Priest!" |
Hebrews 4:14-16 |
11/01/2014 |
"The Timelessness of the Sabbath Day Principle" |
Gen. 2:1-3, Col.2:16-17,Heb.4:9 |
10/25/2014 |
"What Is 'Sabbath' and What Does It Signify" |
Ex. 20:8-11, Matt. 24:15-25 |
10/18/2014 |
"Why Keep the Lord's Day as Sabbath?" |
Heb. 4:9, Isa. 58:13-14 |
10/11/2014 |
"The Piercing and Convicting Word of God" |
Hebrews 4:11-13 |
10/04/2014 |
"What 'Rest' Do We Need to Enter?" |
Hebrews 4:6-11 |
9/27/2014 |
"Enter God's Rest Today!" |
Hebrews 4:1-10 |
9/20/2014 |
"The Grave Danger of Unbelief (Conc.)" |
Hebrews 3:12-19 |
9/13/2014 |
"The Grave Danger of Unbelief" |
Hebrews 3:7-11 |
9/6/2014 |
"The Faithful Savior of the Household of Faith" |
Hebrews 3:1-6 |
8/30/2014 |
"The Death of Death in the Death of Jesus Christ!" |
Hebrews 2:14-18 |
8/23/2014 |
"Christ’s True Humanity Further Evidence of His Superiority Over the Angels!" |
Hebrews 2:5-18 |
8/16/2014 |
"How Much More So" |
Hebrews 2:1-4 |
8/09/2014 |
"Beware, Member of Christ’s Church!" |
Hebrews 2:1-4 |
8/02/2014 |
"Jesus Christ Is Infinitely Better Than the Angels! (Part 2)" |
Hebrews 1:5-14 |
7/26/2014 |
"Jesus Christ Is Infinitely Better Than the Angels!!" |
Hebrews 1:5-14 |
7/19/2014 |
"Jesus Christ: God’s Last and Best Word!" |
Hebrews 1:1-4 |
7/12/2014 |
"An Introduction to the Epistle to the Hebrews: Jesus Christ is God's Last Word!" |
John 6:53-69 |
7/05/2014 |
"Conclusion to the Acts of the Apostles: The Message and the Responses" |
Acts 28:23-31 |
6/28/2014 |
"The Fulfillment of Paul’s Great Desires in the Accomplishment of God’s Great Purpose for the Gospel" |
Acts 28:14-31 |
6/21/2014 |
"Simply Trusting Every Day" |
Acts 28:15-16,30-31 |
6/14/2014 |
"The Victory of the Gospel of Jesus Christ" |
Acts 28:1-14 |
6/07/2014 |
"A Sovereign Providence and Human Responsibility" |
Acts 27:9-11, 20-34 |
5/31/2014 |
"Caught Up in the Violent Storms of this World!" |
Acts 27 |
5/24/2014 |
"Is the Gospel Insanity or the Most Consistent Sanity?" (Part 2) |
Acts 26:12-32 |
5/17/2014 |
"Is the Gospel Insanity or the Most Consistent Sanity?" |
Acts 26:12-32 |
5/10/2014 |
"Why the Hatred? Why the Unbelief?" |
Acts 26:1-12 |
5/03/2014 |
"Providence and Vain Regrets" |
Acts 25 |
4/26/2014 |
"On Trial for Christ's Sake!" |
Acts 24:1-27 |
4/19/2014 |
"Human Schemes and Divine Providence" |
Acts 23:11-25 |
4/12/2014 |
"Human Plots and Divine Providence" |
Acts 22:24-23:10 |
4/05/2014 |
"Is the Gospel Make Believe?" |
Acts 22:3-23 |
3/29/2014 |
"The Gospel: The Dividing Line in Humanity" |
Acts 22:1-21 |
3/22/2013 |
"God’s Good Will Accomplished via Human Frailties!" |
Acts 21:26-40 |
3/08/2013 |
"The Law and the Sovereign Dispensing of Grace" |
Acts 21:18-25 |
3/01/2014 |
"Trouble in the Church for the Gospel Minister: Doctrines and Lessons for Today" (Booklet) |
Acts 21:15-25 |
2/22/2014 |
"Trouble in the Church and For the Gospel Preacher: Causes and Cures" |
Acts 21:15-25 |
2/15/2014 |
"God’s Strong Word Making Strong Souls by Grace!" |
Acts 20:27-32 |
2/8/2014 |
"Christian Warriors: Stand Fast in the Truth!” |
Acts 20:28-32 |
2/01/2014 |
"Not Counting Our Earthly Life Dear, So that We Can Complete the Race!” |
Acts 20:18-35 |
1/25/2014 |
"The Whole Counsel of God” |
Acts 20:15-38 |
1/18/2014 |
“All In A Day’s Work!” |
Acts 20:1-15 |
1/11/2014 |
"Troubles Within and Without: No Match for the Power of Jesus Christ!” |
Acts 19:21-41 |
1/4/2014 |
"Jesus Christ versus Satan and the Demons!” |
Acts 19:11-20 |
12/28/2013 |
"Enemies Without!” |
Acts 19:1-10 |
12/21/2013 |
"Meanwhile. . .The Gospel Keeps Working Victories!” |
Acts 18:23-28 |
12/14/2013 |
"Paul at Corinth: The Gospel in Sodom and Gomorrah” |
Acts 18:1-18 |
12/07/2013 |
"Paul’s Gospel at Athens!” (Conc) |
Acts 17:22-32 |
11/30/2013 |
"Paul’s Gospel at Athens!” |
Acts 17:22-32 |
11/23/2013 |
"Human Philosophies versus the Divine Self-Revelation Paul’s Gospel at Athens” (Conc)” |
Acts 17:16-21,32 |
11/16/2013 |
"Human Philosophies versus the Divine Self-Revelation Paul’s Gospel at Athens” (Part 2)” |
Acts 17:16-21,32 |
11/09/2013 |
"Human Philosophies versus the Divine Self-Revelation Paul’s Gospel at Athens” (Part 1)” |
Acts 17:15-34 |
11/02/2013 |
"What Makes the Difference?” |
Acts 17:10-14 |
10/26/2013 |
"Which Way Will You Go?” |
Acts 17:1-14 |
10/19/2013 |
"The Incredible Power of the Lord Jesus Christ!” (Part 2) |
Acts 16:25-40 |
10/12/2013 |
“The Incredible Power of the Lord Jesus Christ!” (Part 1) |
Acts 16:16-26 |
10/05/2013 |
“The Public Manifestation of the Power of the Lord Jesus Christ!” |
Acts 16-11-26 |
09/28/2013 |
“Finding God’s Will By Obeying God’s Commands” (Part 2) |
Acts 16:1-10 |
09/21/2013 |
“Finding God’s Will By Obeying God’s Commands” (Part 1) |
Acts 16:1-10 |
09/14/2013 |
“Agreeing to Disagree” |
Acts 15:35-41 |
09/07/2013 |
“The Presence and ‘Power’ of the Church Connections” |
Acts 15:23-29; 16:4 |
08/31/2013 |
“The Connectionism of the New Covenant Churches” |
Acts 15:1-6; 16:1-4 |
08/24/2013 |
“Unyielding Principles and Loving Accommodation” |
Acts 15:19-34 |
08/17/2013 |
“God’s Eternal Plan, as Revealed in a Unified Bible!” |
Acts 15:13-21 |
08/10/2013 |
“Faith in Jesus Our Only Salvation and the Bible Our Final Authority for Proving It!” |
Acts 15:7-12 |
08/03/2013 |
“When Everything Was At Stake!” |
Acts 15:4-21 |
07/27/2013 |
“How Doctrine Mattered to the First Century Church” |
Acts 15:1-33 |
07/20/2013 |
“Missions: Steps Three and Four” |
Acts 14:21-28 |
07/13/2013 |
“Why Are You Doing These Things? Worship God!” |
Acts 14:15-17 |
07/06/2013 |
“One or the Other!” |
Acts 14:1-20 |
6/29/2013 |
“How Do We Know Those Whom God Has Elected?” |
Acts 13:48-52 |
6/22/2013 |
“The Gospel of Jesus Christ: The Fulfillment of the Old Testament (conclusion)” |
Acts 13:29-41 |
6/15/2013 |
“The Gospel of Jesus Christ: The Fulfillment of the Old Testament and the Only Salvation for Sinners!” |
Acts 13:16-41 |
6/8/2013 |
“Apostolic Missionary Methods and the Results” |
Acts 13:13-15, 42-52 |
6/1/2013 |
“Overcoming Magicians and Magistrates by God’s Powerful Gospel!” |
Acts 13:1-13 |
5/25/2013 |
“Jesus the Christ versus Herod the King!” |
Acts 12:1-25 |
05/18/2013 |
“The Importance of Organized Congregations and of an Ordained Ministry as Seen in the Apostolic Church” |
Acts 11:19-30 |
05/11/2013 |
“Disputes Over the Gospel, and How to Deal with Them” |
Acts 11:1-18 |
05/04/2013 |
“Spirit-Produced Effects of Gospel Preaching” |
Acts 10:44-48 |
04/27/2013 |
“What is the Good News for the Nations?” |
Acts 10:34-48 |
04/20/2013 |
“Some Grace Before ‘Enough’ Grace!” |
Acts 10:24-48 |
04/13/2013 |
“The Gospel: God’s Saving Truth for the Nations!” |
Acts 10:1-23 |
04/06/2013 |
“The Church’s ‘Drawing Card’: A Compassionate, Merciful and Powerful Savior!” |
Acts 9:32-43 |
03/30/2013 |
“The Gospel: Judgment for Some and Deliverance for the Others!” |
Acts 9:18-31 |
03/23/2013 |
“In This Corner, the Lord Jesus Christ, and in That Corner, the Persecutor Saul-When You Hear the Gong…” |
Acts 9:1-20 |
03/16/2013 |
“Christ’s Personal Love and Redemption” |
Acts 8:26-40 |
03/09/2013 |
“The Laying on of Hands and the Gift of the Holy Spirit!” |
Acts 8:14-17,25 |
03/02/2013 |
"Jesus vs. The Magician" |
Acts 8:9-25 |
02/23/2013 |
"Persecution and the Spread of the Gospel!" |
Acts 8:1-8 |
02/16/2013 |
"The Unpopular Religion of Jesus Christ" |
Acts 7:44-60 |
02/09/2013 |
"The Real Message of the Bible" |
Acts 7:36-43 |
02/02/2013 |
“Who Made This Jesus a Ruler and Judge Over Us?" |
Acts 7:17-35 |
01/26/2013 |
“The Essence of Real Religion, or, Who Made You Our Ruler & Judge" |
Acts 7:9-28 |
01/19/2013 |
“What Real Revealed Religion is Really All About!” |
Acts 7:2-16 |
01/12/2013 |
"What Revealed Religion is Really All About!" |
Acts 6:11—7:8 |
01/05/2013 |
“The ‘Going’ Does Get Tough!” |
Acts 6:8-15; 7:1, 54-60 |
12/29/2012 |
"New Testament Church Polity of Divine Institution and Regulation" |
Acts 6:1-7 |
12/22/2012 |
“Deacons: Important and Necessary Helpers for Both the Elders and the Congregation" |
Acts 5:42-6:7 |
12/15/2012 |
“Unbelief: Its Motivations and Its Foundation” Part 2 |
Acts 5:12-42 |
12/8/2012 |
“Unbelief: Its Motivations and Its Foundation” |
Acts 5:12-42 |
12/1/2012 |
“Gospel Faith Versus Unbelief” |
Acts 5:12-42 |
11/24/2012 |
“More From the Story of Ananias and Sapphira” |
Acts 5:1-11 |
11/17/2012 |
“Great Grace and Its Manifestations” |
Acts 4:31-37 |
11/10/2012 |
“The Church as a Mixed Multitude” |
Acts 4:32-5:11 |
11/3/2012 |
“Persecution, Prayer and Revival!” (conc) |
Acts 4:23-31 |
10/27/2012 |
“Persecution, Prayer and Revival!” |
Acts 4:23-31 |
10/20/2012 |
“Who is Really in Charge? The Captain of the Temple or The Glory of God?” |
Acts 4:5-22 |
10/13/2012 |
“Who’s Really in Charge Here?” |
Acts 4:1-12 |
10/6/2012 |
“The New Beginning is the Old Plan!” |
Acts 3:19-26 |
9/29/2012 |
“Repentance and Restoration!” |
Acts 3:1-10 |
9/22/2012 |
“Wonders and Signs: Jesus is Messiah!” |
Acts 2-43-47 |
9/15/2012 |
“The ‘Normal’ Christian Church” |
Acts 2-43-47 |
9/8/2012 |
“Then What?” |
Acts 2-43-47 |
9/1/2012 |
“They Continued Steadfastly in the Prayers” |
Acts 2-42 |
8/25/2012 |
“Communion: How, What and Who?” |
Acts 2-42-47 |
8/18/2012 |
“Review of the Lord’s Supper” |
Acts 2-42-47 |
8/11/2012 |
“Continuing Steadfastly in the Breaking of Bread” |
Acts 2-42-47 |
8/4/2012 |
“They Continued Steadfastly in the Fellowship” |
Acts 2-42-47 |
7/28/2012 |
“The Promise, the Persistence, and the Postscript!” |
Acts 2-38-41 |
7/21/2012 |
“The Gospel Invitation” |
Acts 2-37-41 |
7/14/2012 |
“When the Spirit of God Stabs the Heart!" |
Acts 2-37-41 |
7/7/2012 |
“Peter’s Pentecost Sermon: Principles for Personal Evangelism" |
Acts 2-14-36 |
6/30/2012 |
“Peter’s Sermon: The Authentic Gospel! (Part II)" |
Acts 2-14-36 |
6/23/2012 |
“Peter’s Sermon: The Authentic Gospel!" |
Acts 2-14-36 |
6/16/2012 |
“Non-Christian Responses to the Spirit-Indwelt Church of Jesus Christ" |
Acts 2-1-13 |
6/9/2012 |
“New Covenant Pentecost: Its Timing, Purpose and Power" |
Acts 2-1-4 |
6/2/2012 |
“God’s Provision, For the Church, Of the Ministry of the Word” (2) |
Acts 1:12-26 |
5/26/2012 |
“God’s Provision, For the Church, Of the Ministry of the Word” (1) |
Acts 1:12-26 |
5/19/2012 |
“‘If I Go, I Will Come Again!’ Our One Certain Thing!” |
Acts 1:9-11 |
5/12/2012 |
“Keeping Our Focus” |
Acts 1:4-8 |
5/5/2012 |
“The Church: Its Foundation, Message, and Power!” |
Acts 1:1-5 |
4/28/2012 |
“The Church of Jesus Christ: God’s Plan or Man's Invention?” |
Acts 1:1-3 |
4/21/2012 |
“The Church and the Unbelieving World: God's Absolute Division Of the Human Race!” |
Zechariah 14:16-21 |
4/14/2012 |
“The Church's 'Little Big Horn'!” |
Zechariah 14:16-21 |
4/7/2012 |
“The Last Battle!” |
Zechariah 14:1-15 |
3/31/2012 |
“A Marriage Sealed with Blood!” |
Zechariah 13:7-9 |
3/24/2012 |
“The Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ: God's Last Word” |
Zechariah 13:2-6 |
3/17/2012 |
“There is a Fountain Filled with Blood!” |
Zech. 12:10-13:1 |
3/10/2012 |
“The Last Battle” |
Zechariah 12:1-9 |
3/3/2012 |
“Following the Good Shepherd or Rushing to the Slaughter” |
Zechariah 11 |
2/25/2012 |
“Restoration and Propagation in the New Covenant!” |
Zechariah 10:6-12 |
2/18/2012 |
“Showers of Blessing!” |
Zechariah 10:1-5 |
2/11/2012 |
“Christ Restrains and Conquers All His and Our Enemies!” |
Zechariah 9:13-17 |
2/4/2012 |
“Prisoners of Hope by the Blood of the Covenant” |
Zechariah 9:9-17 |
1/28/2012 |
“The Meek and Lowly Lord Jesus Christ: The Warrior King Who Conquers All the World!” |
Zechariah 9:1-8 |
1/21/2012 |
“Grab a Jewish Man and Let Him Bring You to the Party!” |
Zechariah 8:18-23 |
1/14/2012 |
“Old Covenant to New Covenant: From Fasting to Feasting!(Conclusion)” |
Zechariah 8:9-23 |
1/7/2012 |
“Old Covenant to New: From Fasting to Feasting!” |
Zechariah 8:1-8 |
12/31/2011 |
“Answering the Question about the Fasts: Genuine Godliness Will Lead to Feasting Instead of Fasting!” |
Zechariah 7 |
12/24/2011 |
“The Lord Jesus Christ: The King of the Church and Judge of the Lost World!” |
Zechariah 6:1-15 |
12/17/2011 |
“Look Out Sinners!!” |
Zechariah 5:1-11 |
12/10/2011 |
“The Supercharged Church of Jesus Christ: Our Never-Ending Source of Spiritual Power and Life!” |
Zechariah 4:1-14 |
12/3/2011 |
“Our Great High Priest, Our Great Redemption from Sin!” |
Zechariah 3:1-10 |
11/26/2011 |
“The Nation Too Big For Its Boundaries” |
Zechariah 2 |
11/19/2011 |
“When Carpenters Conquer The World” |
Zechariah 1:18-21 |
11/12/2011 |
“The Heavenly Patrol's Terrestial Mission” |
Zechariah 1:7-17 |
11/5/2011 |
“Introduction to Zechariah” |
Zechariah 1:1-6 |
10/29/2011 |
“Our Glorious, Heavenly Protector!” & "Avoiding Externalism and 'Internalism' in Religion" |
Jude 24-25 |
10/22/2011 |
“Living The Contrasted Life” |
Jude 20-23 |
10/15/2011 |
“One More Unpleasant Look” |
Jude 16-19 |
10/8/2011 |
“The Day of Judgment: The Tell-Tale Heart of History” |
Jude 14-15 |
10/1/2011 |
“Bankrupt Investors” |
Jude 3-4, 12-13 |
9/24/2011 |
“Spiritual Confidence Artist” |
Jude 3-4, 12-13 |
9/17/2011 |
“Ignoring the Surgeon General’s Warnings, and Paying the Price” |
Jude 11 |
9/10/2011 |
“Following the Damned to Hell” |
Jude 3,4,11 |
9/3/2011 |
“Big Talk, Big Trouble” |
Jude 3-10 |
8/27/2011 |
“Uppishness: Part of the Essence of Sin and Unbelief” |
Jude 1-8 |
8/20/2011 |
“The Letter That Had To Be Written” |
Jude 3-4 |
8/13/2011 |
“Called, Set Apart, Kept and Blessed! The Church of the Lord Jesus Christ!” |
Jude 1-4 |
8/6/2011 |
“All the Best Gifts” |
Ephesians 6:21-24 |
7/30/2011 |
“The Duty of Praying for One Another in the Church” |
Ephesians 6:17-20 |
7/23/2011 |
“The Whole Armor” |
Ephesians 6:10-20 |
7/16/2011 |
“Putting on the Whole Armor of God!” |
Ephesians 6:10-20 |
7/9/2011 |
“Putting on the Armor of God” |
Ephesians 6:10-20 |
7/2/2011 |
“Manifesting the Control of the Spirit in Our Daily Work” |
Ephesians 6:5-9 |
6/25/2011 |
“Spirit-Filled Workers and Spirit-Filled Bosses” |
Ephesians 6:5-9 |
6/18/2011 |
“Spirit-Filled Parents and Spirit-Filled Children” |
Ephesians 6:1-4 |
6/11/2011 |
“The Holy Spirit’s Rules for Husbands and Wives” |
Ephesians 5:22-33 |
6/4/2011 |
“Christ Loved the Church and the Church Loves Christ!” |
Ephesians 5:22-33 |
5/28/2011 |
“And Gave Himself For Her” |
Ephesians 5:22-33 |
5/21/2011 |
“Christ Loved The Church and Gave Himself For Her” |
Ephesians 5:22-33 |
5/14/2011 |
“Biblical Submission: Biblical Evidence for Being Filled with the Spirit” |
Ephesians 5:21-6:9 |
5/7/2011 |
“Giving Thanks Always For All Things” |
Ephesians 5:18-21 |
4/30/2011 |
“The First Manifestation of Being Filled the Holy Spirit” |
Ephesians 5:18-19 |
4/23/2011 |
“How Can I Know That I Am Filled With the Holy Spirit?” |
Ephesians 5:18-21 |
4/16/2011 |
“Choosing God’s ‘Foolish’ Wisdom Over Earthly ‘Practical’ Wisdom” |
Ephesians 5:15-17 |
4/9/2011 |
“Exposing the Darkness!” |
Ephesians 5:7-14 |
4/2/2011 |
“Let the Children of the Light Live as Children of the Light!” |
Ephesians 5:7-14 |
3/26/2011 |
“Don’t Be Conned!” |
Ephesians 5:3-7 |
3/19/2011 |
“Put Off Hostility And Put On Lovingkindness” |
Ephesians 4:31-5:2 |
3/12/2011 |
“Christian Speech: A Manifestation Of The Spirit In God's Elect!” |
Ephesians 4:29-5:6 |
3/5/2011 |
“Putting Off The Smelly Clothes And Putting On The Clothes That Smell Good To God!” |
Ephesians 4:25-28 |
2/26/2011 |
“ ’In’ But Not ‘Of’ ” |
Ephesians 4:17-24 |
2/19/2011 |
“The Church Filled To All Fullness Of Christ: From Infancy To Maturity As The Body Of Christt" |
Ephesians 4:11-16 |
2/12/2011 |
“God’s Pattern For His Church” (conclusion) |
Ephesians 4:7-16 |
2/5/2011 |
“God’s Pattern For His Church” |
Ephesians 4:1-16 |
1/29/2011 |
“God Supremely Glorified in The Church Through The Unimaginable Love Of God In Jesus Christ” |
Ephesians 3:19-21 |
1/22/2011 |
“Christ’s Immeasurable And Incomprehensible Love”(conclusion) |
Ephesians 3:14-21 |
1/15/2011 |
“Christ’s Immeasurable And Incomprehensible Love” |
Ephesians 3:14-21 |
1/8/2011 |
“The Gospel Mystery: A Surprise To Angels And A Scandal To Sinners!” |
Ephesians 3:8-13 |
1/1/2011 |
“THE GOSPEL: God’s First And Final Secret Made Known! What Is God Saying To Us In Jesus Christ?” |
Ephesians 3:1-13 |
12/25/2010 |
“God’s Eternal Wisdom Made Known Through The Church Of Jesus Christ In The Preaching Of The Gospel” |
Ephesians 3:1-13 |
12/18/2010 |
“The Foundation Of The Apostles And Prophets, With Jesus Christ The Cornerstone” |
Ephesians 2:11-22 |
12/11/2010 |
“Is ‘CHURCH’ A Big Deal To God?” |
Ephesians 2:11-22 |
12/4/2010 |
“One Way Of Reconciliation” |
Ephesians 2:11-22 |
11/27/2010 |
“The Lord Jesus Christ: Our Peace With God And With Each Other” |
Ephesians 2:11-22 |
11/20/2010 |
“What, or Who, Made This Happen?” |
Ephesians 2:1-10 |
11/13/2010 |
“God Glorified By His Heavenly People In Jesus Christ!” |
Ephesians 2:1-7 |
11/6/2010 |
“What Large Love!” |
Ephesians 2:1-10 |
10/30/2010 |
“Exactly How Bad Is It Doctor?” |
Ephesians 2:1-3 |
10/23/2010 |
“The Exaltation of the Church in the Supreme Exaltation of the Lord Jesus Christ” |
Ephesians 1:20-23 |
10/16/2010 |
“Where Does Gospel Faith Come From?” |
Ephesians 1:19-23 |
10/9/2010 |
“The Church of Jesus Christ: A Really Big Deal To God!” |
Ephesians 1:18-23 |
10/2/2010 |
“The True Enlightenment” |
Ephesians 1:15-23 |
9/25/2010 |
“If Only We Knew” |
Ephesians 1:15-23 |
9/18/2010 |
“The Holy Trinity Gone Public” |
Ephesians 1:3-14 |
9/11/2010 |
“And The Holy Ghost” |
Ephesians 1:13-14 |
9/4/2010 |
“Christ Glorified By The Church Glorified” |
Ephesians 1:7-12 |
8/28/2010 |
“God’s Eternal Plan Fulfilled: The Church’s Eternal Salvation In The Lord Jesus Christ” |
Ephesians 1:7-12 |
8/21/2010 |
“Predestination” |
Ephesians 1:3-6 |
8/14/2010 |
“Father Knows Best!” |
Ephesians 1:3-14 |
8/7/2010 |
“The Church is the Church is the Church” |
Ephesians 1:1-14 |
7/31/2010 |
“The Church of The Lord Jesus Christ: The Fullness of Him Who Fills All In All” |
Ephesians 1:1-2 |
7/24/2010 |
“The Whole Duty of a Human Being!” |
Eccl. 12-8-14 |
7/17/2010 |
“Remember Your Creator” |
Eccl. 12:1-8 |
7/10/2010 |
“Have a Good Time, but Remember the Day of Judgment!” |
Eccl. 11:7-10 |
7/3/2010 |
“Live By God’s Answers Not By Your Questions!” |
Eccl. 11:1-6 |
6/26/2010 |
“Practical Advantages of Wisdom Over Folly” |
Eccl. 10:8-20 |
6/19/2010 |
“Practical Manifestations of Wisdom and of Folly” |
Eccl. 10:1-7 |
6/12/2010 |
"Living Our Earthly Lives in the Light of Eternity!” |
Eccl. 9:7-18 |
6/5/2010 |
"The Hand of God? Or Time and Chance?” |
Eccl. 9:1-12 |
5/29/2010 |
"It Pays to Fear the Lord, but the Final Payment Isn’t Until Heaven!” |
Eccl. 8:14-9:1 |
5/22/2010 |
"The Fear of the Lord is Wisdom!” |
Eccl. 8:10-17 |
5/15/2010 |
"The Wisdom of Submission to Lawful Authority” |
Eccl. 8:1-9 |
5/8/2010 |
"Why Do We Need a Savior?” |
Eccl. 7:20-29 |
5/1/2010 |
"Where Can We Find a Righteous Human Being?” |
Eccl. 7:23-29 |
4/24/2010 |
"What Do You Expect?” |
Eccl. 7:19-22 |
4/17/2010 |
"This and That” |
Eccl. 7:15-22 |
4/10/2010 |
"Spirit Filled” (Dr. Richard Gaffin) |
Eph 5:15-6:9 |
4/3/2010 |
"Worry” (Dr. Richard Gaffin) |
Matthew 6 |
3/27/2010 |
"Better” |
Eccl. 7:11-14 |
3/20/2010 |
"The Better Things” |
Eccl. 7:1-14 |
3/13/2010 |
"The Earthly and Eternal Advantage of a Serious Life” |
Eccl. 7:1-14 |
3/6/2010 |
"Life: A Bummer or a Blessing According if God is in the Picture or Not |
Eccl. 6:3-12 |
2/27/2010 |
"When Will You Be Satisfied?" |
Eccl. 5:14-6:2 |
2/20/2010 |
"Whoever Dies with the Most Toys Does Not Necessarily Win!" |
Eccl. 5:10-6:2 |
2/13/2010 |
"Blood From a Turnip: Satisfaction for the Soul in Life Under the Sun" |
Eccl. 5:8-17 |
2/6/2010 |
"Is That All There Is?" |
Eccl. 1:1-5:7 |
1/30/2010 |
"Joining A Visible Church" |
1/23/2010 |
"The Law and The Spirit Conclusion |
Psa 119:97-112 |
1/16/2010 |
"The Law and The Spirit" Part 1 |
Psa 119:97-112 |
1/9/2010 |
"The People of the Cross" |
Gal 6:14-16 |
1/2/2010 |
"The Cross: The Great Eternal Divide" |
Gal 6:11-18 |
12/26/2009 |
"Getting Our Priorities Right" |
Gal 6:6-10 |
12/19/2009 |
"A Seeable Love" |
Gal 6:1-5 |
12/12/2009 |
"The Fruit of the Spirit" |
Gal 5:22-26 |
12/5/2009 |
"The Flesh or the Kingdom" |
Gal 5:19-21 |
11/28/2009 |
"Walk By The Spirit" |
Gal 5:16-18 |
11/21/2009 |
"Faith Working Through Love" |
Gal 5:13-15 |
11/14/2009 |
"Deadly Doctrine" |
Gal 5:2-12 |
11/7/2009 |
"Laws Lesson on the Necessity of Faith" |
Gal 4:21-5:1 |
10/31/2009 |
"Basic Needs of the Backslider |
Gal 4:8-20 |
10/24/2009 |
"Privileges of Sonship |
Gal 4:1-7 |
10/17/2009 |
"Who Could Ask For More?" |
Gal 3:26-29 |
10/10/2009 |
"So Why The Law Then" |
Gal 3:15-25 |
10/3/2009 |
"Blessing or Curse" |
Gal 3:7-14 |
9/26/2009 |
"Fools For Christ or Just Plain Fools" |
Gal 3:1-7 |
9/19/2009 |
"Christ Who Is Our Life |
Gal 2:20 |
9/12/2009 |
"Christ's Love Our Life" |
Gal 2:20 |
9/5/2009 |
"Faith or Work: An Either/Or Situation" |
Gal 2:11-21 |
8/29/2009 |
"The Gospel: God's Revelation" |
Gal 2:1-14 |
8/22/2009 |
"Gospel: God's Revelation Not Man's Message" |
Gal 1:10-2:14 |
8/15/2009 |
"The One & Only Gospel" |
Gal 1:6-9 |
8/8/2009 |
"God's Glorious Gospel" |
Gal. 1:1-5 |
8/1/2009 |
"Irreligious Worship" |
Ecc. 5:1-7 |
7/25/2009 |
"Not All Religion Will Deliver Us From the Vanity of Life Under The Sun" |
Ecc. 5:1-7 |
7/18/2009 |
"As Unknown and Yet Well Known" |
Ecc. 4-13-16 |
7/11/2009 |
"Liberty Versus Anarchy; Patriotism verus Nationalism" |
Proverbs 14 |
7/4/2009 |
"Oppressed, Weary and Unknown: What A Dog's Life!" |
Ecc. 4:1-12 |
6/27/2009 |
"The World is a Big Rip-off and Then What?" |
Ecc. 3:16-22 |
6/20/2009 |
"Weary, Stale, Flat and Unprofitable" |
Ecc. 3:9-15 |
6/13/2009 |
"The Living God as the Source of Fulfilled Purpose and Lasting Joy!" |
Ecc. 2:24-3:8 |
6/6/2009 |
“A Life and Career That Counts For Eternity” |
Ecc. 2:12-23 |
5/30/2009 |
"The Always Unfulfilled Hedonist" |
Ecc. 2:1-11 |
5/23/2009 |
"Without God, Not Even Wisdom Gives Joy..." |
Ecc. 1:12-18 |
5/16/2009 |
"The Monotomy of Life Under The Sun" |
Ecc. 1:2-11 |
5/9/2009 |
"It's All For Nothing!" |
Ecc. 1:1-12 |
5/2/2009 |