Our Pastor
Dr. Allen Tomlinson

Pastor Allen Tomlinson moved to New Hampshire back in 1988, to become the senior pastor of the First Church of Merrimack. He is originally from Illinois, and had been a pastor for about 10 years in the Midwest and Colorado. He has degrees from Fort Wayne Bible College, Indiana Wesleyan University, and Whitefield Theological Seminary. He is a minister with the Presbytery of New York and New England of the Orthdox Presbytertian Church (OPC) denomination. The First Church of Merrimack joined the OPC in December of 2014.
He is married to Ann and they have 3 grown children and 12 grandchildren. For relaxation they enjoy their grandchildren, reading out loud together, going for beautiful New England drives, and occasional hiking. The Merrimack church family has become incredibly important to them over the last 36+ years.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ has proven itself to them all their lives. Both Allen and Ann came to faith at a fairly early age, both were reared in the faith of Jesus Christ and have found God's grace sweeter and more powerful as each year goes by.
Dr. Tomlinson’s first goal as a pastor is to preach and teach the whole counsel of God (Acts 20:27), and by God’s grace to be an example to the flock. Normally his preaching would be categorized as “expository”, that is, an exposition of a significant section of Scripture, often as part of a series which works its way through an entire biblical book.
Our Elders
Michael Dopson, Ron Downing (Emeritus), Rick Elliott, Gary Francoeur, Chris Jennings, Ken Streeter
Our Deacons
Jeff Liscouski, Andy Moore, Thomas Perry, Karl Reichl, Greg Ross II, Rusty Smith, Arthur Welch
Pastor Allen has created several pamphlets over the years. We're working on adding them all, but for now you find what we have available below:
Title |
Letter-sized |
Two-sided booklet format |
More Than Words, a Christmas Eve message for you! |
pdf | docx |
pdf | docx |